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Archive cards, ... the Klaro way

A fresh new system dimension just landed in all environments

Where can you find the feature?

Klaro Cards now supports archiving cards. You'll find the feature in the contextual menu of an individual card:

or a card selection:


As you might expect, archived cards no longer appear in boards.

Under the hood, Klaro Cards installs a System dimension, called "Archived", the very first time you archive a card (you can also install the dimension manually through your usual project settings screen).

This dimension has two values "Yes" and "No" (you can rename them if you want) that can be used as usual: in filters, as kanban columns, on cards, etc. Very Klaro-ish...

There is only one behavior specific to this "Archived" dimension: when you don't filter cards explicitly on a board along the dimension, Klaro Cards applies the "No" value to your board. The result is as expected: only non archived cards are shown by default.

Finding the Archived cards is also straightforward: create a board that filters on "Yes" and you'll end up with archived cards only.

Archive and unarchive the Klaro way...

You can maintain your typical Klaro Cards workflow for archiving and unarchiving cards: create a Kanban board displayed by the "Archived" dimension, and you will have two columns - "Yes" and "No." Simply drag and drop cards as usual!